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Monday, March 10, 2014

How Encryption Works in Cloud Computing

When moving business data into the cloud, many organizations are concerned about the issue of security. When data is placed onto remote servers, it’s natural to feel anxious about unauthorized access, particularly in a business context.But once your data is stored on a cloud server; it’s protected from hacking and unauthorized access. And when you entrust your data security to reputed Data Security Firm,
you are benefited from years of expertise and best practice in security methods and techniques.
The Basics of Cloud Encryption

In the cloud, all data is encrypted using encryption keys. A 128-bit or 256-bit key is common. Either would take many millions of years to decrypt using today’s most powerful computers, so users rarely need to concern themselves with this kind of security threat.
So if encryption is so secure, why worry? The more common threat comes from unauthorized access via brute force attacks or deception, such as phishing emails. But experienced cloud providers are used to dealing with cyber criminals, malware and other data risks. That’s why so many companies invest in cloud computing; this way, they can open up access to authorized users in the cloud while keeping intruders at bay.
Additional Security Methods In the Cloud

In addition to encryption, cloud computing involves the use of additional security methods. These may include:
Proactive system monitoring in the cloud coupled with early threat detection.
Two-factor authentication and other dynamic access controls.
Practicing good password etiquette from the data center to the end user.
Encrypting file names and metadata as well as the contents of the files.
Encouraging users to be vigilant, particularly when presented with suspicious emails.
Can the Cloud Improve Security?

There are numerous cases where physical devices have been lost or stolen. This is a security concern for innocent individuals whose details are stored on the device. Moreover, massive financial penalties can be levied when this happens.
Clearly storing unencrypted data on a device is a considerable risk to security and should never be considered.
This is a great example of a scenario where the cloud enhances security – it does not weaken it. By changing the culture of the workplace, your business data can be stored on a network storage device, secured with military-grade encryption and stored behind layers of security without being made inaccessible to the people who need it most. With the cloud, you can ensure data need not to be put at risk.

If you’re looking for data security solutions, make sure to work only with accredited, experienced and trustworthy companies (Dell could be a good option). Your data is one of the most important assets of your business and should not be entrusted without proper research and smart decision-making.

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